Japan Leather Guide

Yoshida Kaban

Yoshida KabanThe tradition of craftsmanship that is the pride of Japan


Regal CorporationQuality that can only be seen in an authentic piece backed by pride from a prestigious, long standing company.

Tochigi Leather

Tochigi LeatherTannin based tanning of natural leather filled with tanner's pride

Andersen Bag

Andersen BagIn search of reliable universality that is not influenced by the times and trends


KishuVisit the leather country of Kishu

ProductsSpecial leather products


itten-ittenA treasure trove of colorful, pop coloring that tickles women's gokoro

Atelier nuu

Atelier nuuFactory brand from Toyooka actively working on SDGs

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CreativePeople and companies involved in leather manufacturing

Nino Classical Tailored

Ninomiya Goro ShotenManufacturing requires an idea that includes technology

Secaicho Union

Secaicho UnionWorld-class hand-sewn technique
Hand Sewn Welted

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KnowledgeWhat you need to know about leather

Eco leather

Eco leatherLeather in the era of environmental conservation


SerendipityFinding a destined pair
The book on the anatomy of "shoes"

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CareMaintenance Information for Leather Products

Troubleshooting 5

Troubleshooting 5I want to soften hard leather!

Troubleshooting 6

Troubleshooting 6I got my leather wet and now there’s a water stain!

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